4 Round tanks in Bergkamen


Round basin formwork systems

Project details

  • Customer: Mainka Bau GmbH & Co. KG
  • Building owner: Bayer AG Werk Bergkamen
  • Construction period RSB: February 2021 – under construction
  • Volumetric capacity:
  • Dimensions:
  • B141 Buffer tank: 6,6m diameter / 7,3m height
  • F135 Pre-thickener: 8,0m diameter / 3,9m height
  • B114 Mixing tank: 9,2m diameter / 8,4m height
  • B111 Buffer tank: 5,0m diameter / 4,8m height
  • Description: The cylindrical tanks are with and without funnel, inside cladded with PEHD plates.
The special formwork for the pressure door and the pipe cellar designed and provided by RSB Formwork Technology GmbH

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RSB Formwork Technology

Schilfweg 1 · 6972 Fußach · Austria


+43 (0) 5578 7960-400

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