Three Round tanks in Freiberg Germany

Project details
- Customer: Mainka Bau GmbH & Co. KG
- Building owner: Bayer AG Werk Bergkamen
- Construction period RSB: February 2021 – under construction
- Volumetric capacity:
- Dimensions:
- B141 Pufferbehälter: 6,6m diameter / 7,3m height
- Sedimentation tank: 12m diameter / 8,2m height
- Thin sludge tank: 12m diameter / 6,5m hight
- Description: The dense, smooth and low-porosity inner surface of the tanks is achieved with an absorbent lining on the formwork, which is already applied at the time of delivery. Since the formwork works without anchors, no anchor holes have to be closed and sealed afterwards. Since the formwork works without anchors, no anchor holes have to be closed and sealed afterwards.

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